The Art of Craftmanship

When it comes to the creation of fine English furniture that will stand the test of time, there really is no substitute than Nina Campbell furniture.
At Nina Campbell, we have a strong a focus on English made furniture by some of the best craftsmen in the UK and a dedication for quality and excellence. AMost of the pieces are designed by Nina herself and used in projects across the world. 

English Made 

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Designed by Nina 

All designed by Nina for Each piece of furniture has been designed by Nina herself and beautifully made by some of the best craftsmen in the UK. Our furniture collection was a natural development of the Nina Campbell brand, after many years designing pieces for projects, almost always inspired by an antique find, Nina along with her son Max, created the first Nina Campbell Furniture collection in [20??]

Our approach  

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Quality and Excellence 

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Trade Enquiries 

 For all trade enquires and bespoke projects please contact us on +44 (0)20 7352 9518 or email using the link below.

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